Rural hospitality Canada

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Revision as of 19:07, 18 January 2013 by Guaka (talk | contribs)

Rural in Canada?

The vast emptiness of the great white north. The shimmering colours of the aurora borealis. The sweeping fields of the prairies. Rural Canada is simply some of the most breathtaking land this world has to offer. At 9,984,670 km2 (3,854,082 mi2), Canada is the second biggest country by landmass but yet it's home to just over 35 million people, most of who live close to the Canadian/American border. With one of the lowest population densities in the world this just means there is that much more untouched beauty and splendor for you to get out there and explore!

This group is here to provide information and give travelers a chance to get out there and experience the rural life of Canada which is nothing short of stunning. In time we hope to develop an excellent network of rural hosts all over Canada in order to give people the chance to witness what many of us get to live everyday.

So what really is rural in Canada? For the purposes of rural hospitality we would generally consider those living in communities of less than 1000 people to be rural, but exceptions can be made for more rural regions of Canada where any villages are a rare sight! Please do not be upset if your slightly larger rural area is not considered "rural enough" to be placed on the map, but these are the guidelines that the rural CS team agreed to follow as a whole.

Rural Couchsurfing Map

You can see the rural map of Canada here.

New Additions

To be added to the map please contact Justin ( on couchsurfing) or by emailing Justin directly -> [email protected]

In the email, explain why your location is rural, a link to your hospitality profile (Bewelcome, CS, HC, etc) and your address or approximate location to make it easier for us to add you to the map.