CouchSurfing censorship

[[]] is an independent wiki with information for people who are actively exchanging hospitality.
Revision as of 23:52, 18 March 2013 by Guaka (talk | contribs)

For a long time CouchSurfing was known for its absence of censorship. This is now changing. In recent months there has been an very noticeable drive to censor the community. A big chunk of its growth in 2006 and 2007 on couchsurfing was due to people creating a CS profile because of Hospitality Club censorship. In 2013 it seems that CouchSurfing is going along the same path.

On this page we're trying to collect some useful resources about this matter. Feel free to jump in and edit.

CouchSurfing CEO Tony Espinoza on linking to BeWelcome, March 16th

"I want to respond to Sergio's comment on BeWelcome because I don't want anyone to be surprised in the future. The fact that we have allowed profiles to point to BeWelcome should not be taken as an indication that it's okay. It's simply not okay. Will we eventually take action on this as a form of commercial interest? Yes, I think it's likely we will. When that time comes, I will make an announcement here first. Ambs need to decide if they are here to work together and make CS better or if they want to create a new community. We simply can't have CS Ambassadors conducting BeWelcome's business on the CS web site."

See also the post on the Brainstorm group. For clarity, BeWelcome is a non profit organization with a yearly "business" budget of 1260 euro (for 2013).

Group deletions

Late December 2012 group 59753 was deleted, which was titled "Leaving CS for bewelcome". Until then similar groups were not deleted.

Deletions of posts on places

Posting some type of information on place pages is considered spam. It's removed. please edit this

Membership revoked

There have been minor cases throughout the years but since the for profit "conversion" in 2011 these have increased, going as far as deletion without notice of 2 ambassadors in early 2013. Two very active members of communities in Berlin and Chicago were removed from the site. Both members had been quite vocal about the migration from city groups to "places" in which all threads had been deleted (which could be classified as censorship, especially given that there's no way to easy way retrieve old posts) and the consequences for safety. Also some normal members (not ambassadors) have been removed, there's another case in Berlin, and one in the South of France.

CSHQ has claimed these members have all been deleted for valid reasons but refuses to make any statements about what specifically these people have done.

Here's an incomplete list.

  • D.S. from Berlin
  • JVH from Chicago
  • El. from Berlin
  • please add more if you know of someone being deleted - don't put full names unless you were deleted yourself and you don't mind your full name showing up here


Posting on the FB wall of CS was disabled on March 12th 2013.


Blogs and blog posts

CouchSurfing HQ response

Posts on CS


Ambassador group



Against for profit CS

Posts on BeWelcome




