Comment traiter les pique-assiettes

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Revision as of 11:29, 27 February 2013 by ROBERT48 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "File:Freeloaders.jpg Malheureusement, il semble y avoir quelques personnes qui tentent d'abuser du système. Tout d'abord: Si vous soupçonnez que quelqu'un essaie de tricher...")
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Malheureusement, il semble y avoir quelques personnes qui tentent d'abuser du système. Tout d'abord: Si vous soupçonnez que quelqu'un essaie de tricher, n'hésitez pas à dire "Non!" Mais, "la seule façon de résoudre les problèmes est d'abord de les exprimer." (Kate L.) Essayez de trouver les raisons pour lesquelles cette manière particulière de comportement et de décider au cas par cas comment gérer les parasites sur CouchSurfing.

[edit] Qu'est-ce qu'un pique-assiettes?

Les pique-assiettes sont des gens qui n'utilisent CouchSurfing que comme un moyen de séjourner gratuitement dans la maison de quelqu'un. Ce genre de personnes ne se soucie pas beaucoup sur les gens qui les accueillent. La chose la plus importante pour eux préserver leur argent, plutôt que de respecter la communauté couchsurf qu'ils représentent.

Les pique-assiettes dépensent leur argent seulement pour leur propre plaisir, sans partage, ou du moins le moins possible. Vous dire qu'ils manquent de liquidités, ont été volés, ou d'autres tristes / intéressantes histoires, vous faire sentir désolé pour eux ou prêts à les soutenir.

En plus, il y a des pique-assiettes voyageant sans argent ou juste un peu, pour de vrai. Ces parasites savent qu'il y a toujours quelqu'un (surtout des débutants ou des gens naïfs) disposés à les accueillir. Certains pique-assiettes, mais d'autres invités ainsi, n'interagissent pas avec leurs hôtes, ne cherchent même pas à, sont connu sous le nom Couch-Pommes de terre. En fait, ils pourraient laisser votre maison sans un mot de remerciement.

Another excuse is that they hate money telling you that money is not important to them at all. They want you to believe they really hate it and there should be a way different system according them. Think again!! Taking them in they do not care about money as long as you pay for them. People living on you!!! You will recognize them soon enough!

Finally there are the experienced freeloaders, using all the techniques above, with their best smile and a helping hand. They are the best actors. It is hard to recognize them but one thing is for sure..... They try to safe money were ever they can, starting being your guest!

Most freeloaders do not have a confirmed account (Green Lock) Their Profile tells you just a little or a lot of made-up stuff. It is wise to Google you guest before taking him in by using the information mentioned on his profile.

Like by Name, Nickname in combination with EMAIL, Town hobby other profile's etc. If nothing shows up, and you are not sure about, you better refuse the person. and tell him first to update his profile. The profile pictures of course has to correspond with the person asking for a couch, once you meet him in real life time. Otherwise meet in public first.

Now remember this! If you go for a vacation you always know how to contact home/ family, how to contact your bank, how to use money-transfer-services, how to contact your embassy. You always have the responsibility to have an extra budget in case a host is not able to host you for what reason. If you have no possibilities to travel or do not know how to coop with changing, you should never lean on other people's goodness, and delay your plans until you can!

Then there are COUCHSCROOGERS ( See How to handle Couchscroogers

A couchscrooger is someone taking in guests, but not willing to be involved otherwise, not sharing their culture, not trying to give the guest a feel like home feeling. Complaining on everything, offering nothing! Creating very complicated rules and demanding too much. They are couchpotatoes on their own couch.

CouchSurfers report requests for couches that just annoy them. CouchSurfing is a homelessness site so be patient and try to find out more. You can't lose very much by being friendly to a person you don't know (yet?). [edit] Warnings in the profile

Putting aggressive warnings against copy-paste messages seems to be a rather negative way of dealing with the issue of bulk requests.

It is understandable that people get extremely annoyed, specially in popular destination cities, by getting messages from members that just want free accommodation.

But this shouldn't be the solution. The profile is a precious space for communication with other members and for making nice contacts.

It seems best to deal with the messages one by one, without exteriorizing anger in the profile.

[edit] Also See:

Brand New Members

Empty Profiles