100 things to do in Utrecht

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77 done, 23 to go...

  1. Climb the mighty 112,5 meters Dom Tower
  2. Have one of over 100 different great Belgian beers at cafe Belgie
  3. Visit the Trainmuseum
  4. Enjoy a nice summerday, relaxing, picknicking and sporting at Wilhelminapark
  5. Go watch all the famous autographs from rockers on guitars and ofcourse it's famous painting of legendary dead rockers at the pub: Stairway to heaven. Also great for cheap dinner.
  6. Have a cheap vegetarian (or vegan) meal, or enjoy the underground music scene at ACU
  7. Come to the CS Utrecht monthly meeting at cafe Averechts
  8. Join the Dutch national sport, go Iceskating
  9. See the upcoming Indiebands, or have a well-priced 3 course-meal at Ekko
  10. Taste the best Autumnbeers at the Bockbeerfestival
  11. Go by Canalbike through the Pittoreske canals of Utrecht.
  12. See the smallest building on the world heritage list, the Rietveld Schroder House
  13. See the famous bands at Tivoli
  14. Go Canooing in the nature of Amelisweerd and have a Pancake
  15. See the best arthousemovies at 't Hoogt, Springhaver or Louis Hartloper Complex
  16. Discouver Utrecht by bike
  17. Go shopping in all the trendy and vintageshops on Oudegracht or Voorstraat
  18. Have a nice icecream at Il Mulino
  19. taste delicious chocolate at Simon Levelt or Australian at the Steenweg
  20. go searching for the Nijntje traffic light
  21. Visit the highrise modernist buildings at Kanaleneiland and Overvecht and see for yourself if these neighbourhoods are getto's or not.
  22. Follow CS Utrecht Dutch lessons
  23. Visit the old Botanical Gardens at the Universiteitsmuseum
  24. Take a bike ride along the line of fortifications around Utrecht
  25. Visit Kasteel de Haar and its park
  26. Take a stroll through the new Botanical Gardens and enjoy a picnic there
  27. Visit the Uithof for its architecture, especially the Library
  28. Have a beer at Olivier (a beer bar in a former church)
  29. Cycle to Pannekoekenhuis Rhijnauwen en have a delicious pancake next to the water
  30. Go grocery shopping at the Turkish shops in the Kanaalstraat
  31. Visit one of the Cultural Sundays, lots of different cultural acts in the city centre
  32. Have a bbq at the lakes of Maarsseveen
  33. Walk along the Nieuwegracht in spring
  34. Go to Plug In at SJU
  35. Dance to Funk at FUDGE in SJU
  36. Have an ice-cream Roberto's
  37. Go to the Griftpark, see the sun go down on the hill, sit on the stones, join the skaters, basketballers or other sporters or just relax next to the lake
  38. See bands play on boats on the canal at the Botenparade
  39. Go to the public Library, have a chai tea with milk in one of the comfotable chairs with a view on the street
  40. See who gets the 'Gouden Kalf', the Dutch version of the Oscar at the Dutch film festival in Utrecht
  41. Have a picknick on the 'werf' along the Oudegracht
  42. Have a picknick on the Keulsekade in the south of Lombok, overlooking canals with houseboats, a park, fancy houses and a money museum
  43. Find out everything about money in the Moneymuseum
  44. Find out everything about Aboriginal Art at the Aboriginal Art Museum
  45. See the fancy post-modernist architecture in the campus The Uithof
  46. See where Miffy lives
  47. Have a Broodje Mario
  48. Spot the UFO on 'the Inkjar', the headoffice of the Dutch railways
  49. Get a fresh stroopwafel at the market on Vredenburg on wednesday, friday or saturday
  50. In summertime, go and picnic on Lepelenburg on Sunday and enjoy all the people there playing soccer and juggling and role playing.
  51. Have a fresh mint tea in Springhavercafe
  52. Enjoy one of the many cultural sundays
  53. Go to a theatersports game in Parnassos, Theater aan de werf, or Oudaen
  54. See a Viking ship, the remains of the Art niveau building 'De Utrecht' or one of the many art exhibitions at centraal museum
  55. Check how far the gouvernment is with building a whole new station-area
  56. Go to the rooftop cafe in the V&D in Hoog Catherijne for probably the best views over central Utrecht (including the Dom!).
  57. In the summer, find a picnic table at the southern end of the Oudegracht terrace, get some food and drink from the nearby supermarkets and snackbars, and have a little gathering with your friends.
  58. Check the listings at http://www.dnbforum.nl/index.php?action=partyagenda;year=2009;month=10, or the flyers in The Revenge shop on Vredeburg, and reach a drum and bass or dubstep rave at one of the many venues across the city.
  59. Visit the infamous 'red light canal' for 'research purposes' at the Zandpad section of the Oudegracht.
  60. Include your visit to zandpad, as part of a cycle trip down the River Vecht to it's end in Muiden, passing through a beautiful landscape of windmills, aristocratic houses and tiny villages. If you're tough enough, visit Kanoverhuur Utrecht at Oudegracht 4, and do the trip by canoe.
  61. visit the Drogisterij Woortman, a old fashioned shop from 1851 and buy some herbal tea or lip balm.
  62. Climb the "Belle van Zuylen" (as soon as it is ready)
  63. take a look at: the Thinker on the Rock and note what you're thinking
  64. Find the "Utregtse Kabouter" (graffiti)
  65. Figure out when the last bar closes @ the Nobelstraat (or le carafon)
  66. Eat your own lunch (or broodje bigoli) on the Terrace of "de Zaak"
  67. Eat cheesefondue and enjoy live music @ oude pothuys
  68. Have a daytrip to the nice medieval city of [Amersfoort]
  69. Find as many art works from the panorama 200 art project
  70. Enjoy the late afternoon sun on the stairs of the cityhall on the cityhall bridge
  71. Enjoy [Argentinia|Argentinian] atmosphere or danmce the tango yourself@ the city hall on thursday evenings in summer
  72. Visit the lapjes mart on a saturday morning @ Breedstraat(don't pronounce the K form markt if you wanna speak Utrechts dialect!)
  73. Celebrate Queensnight the 29th of april!
  74. Enjoy a coffeshop in a boat
  75. Sing the offocial anthem of Utrecht from Herman Berkien: 'als ik boven op de Dom sta'
  76. Have great lunch sandwiches with drink for only 5 euro @ gras van de buren, in their nice movie theatre seats
  77. Go to Amsterdam!

To Do

  • Add links
  • Randomise Order Better
  • Add festivals
  • Add other things
  • Improve

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