Meeting Minutes/2020-07-13 Regular Meeting

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Trustroots Meeting

  • Date: 2020-07-13 16:00 UTC
  • Facilitator: Loberto
  • Present: Chagai, Loberto, Mariano, Martin A., Michael, Mikael, Paula, Shawn


  • Hellos and checkin.
  • Do we want to record?
   * nope, we asked at the call. :-) 
   * Needs concensus for each call
   * Let's keep good notes
   * Chagai brings up Jitsi example where they record videos, publish on youtube and since it's so accessible, it's easier for new folks to join in since they see the energy.
  • we haven't really changed time for a few weeks.. should we? /Loberto
   * sticking to 16 UTC for now so that everyone can join
   * earlier time is more inclusive for south-america
  • Last weeks points:
   *     More discussion is needed to see the desire to record meeting
       *     We'll keep talking about it in Slack
   * Shawn will look into seeing how to promote events with the most active users, maybe writing info for a Newsletter
       * Currently working on it, ish.. 
       * Mikael to ping about something he might be able to help it. :-) 
       * Use social media to reach out 
       * Get data on active users
   * Chagai will implement a test bridge between Slack and one other platform
       * Chagai is working on it.
       * jitsi instance first up.
       * No chat in jitsi :-( We can use Slack!
   * VA Team is gathering info to share around: regular calls, volunteers map, and those outside of slack.
       * Feeling a bit like forward progress is slow but step by step moving forward nevertheless!
   * If you use Codi, keep an eye out for a Best Practices handout
       * pending progress
   * Efforts are going towards Documentation, so start documenting things done, changes made, etc
       * Martin A. will look into creating a Guide for Guides.
   * If things worth noting happen, let's share them in the Weekly meeting (add them to the Agenda)
   * Maybe we should make a call for more Devs in the next Newsletter
       * No space in next newsletter 
       * Blast short blurb to social media for call for developers /Mikael
       * Could be good to keep "call for volunteers" in each newsletter. Just food for thought!
  • Do we want to add a review of last week's action points as a standard meeting point? Keeping up with what has been decided and so on. /Martin A.
   * Sandboxing the time to 10mins or so might be good?
   * Focusing on things that weren't done yet or especially those that are blocked would be good
   * Take notes on Codi first whenever possible and then it's faster to go through it.
  • This already happened so we can skip....Chagai wanted to talk about creating a jitsi/riot instance at Either briefly here or organising a specific meeting if needed.
  • Next up going out: newsletter/blog-posts/tribes-rename? /Mikael
   * Need help with anything? Need help with actually sending the newsletter. 
   * Mikael can learn this up and will make it a grou-learning session/record screen.
   * NDA needed for the access to email addresses when sending the newsletter. 
  • Audit on tools and resources we have an where is it documented?/Paula
   * Until now knowledge just gets passed from person to person; documenting some tools and routines is of course welcome!
   * All docs we have are at (to update content)
   * Martin has a list of non-techie tools, somewhere :)
  • Team volunteer documentation
   * There's a beginning at
   * Many roles there don't provide enough context for starting
  • Using project management tool like ClickUp? /Paula
   * A tool for non-techies :-)
   * Unlimited users for free
   * Team tested Github a bit for non-tech use
   * Loberto could be test person for testing out Github for project management
   * Mikael recoomends just to experiment with tools — it's better if these are free for starters, but in longer term we can even pay reasonable prices for some tools (like we do for development/servers). We're doing similar experimentation with different call tools right now — each week trying something new. :-)
   * Martin A. will be able to have a proper look at GitHub and how to adapt it to non-tech people (workflow etc.) in the next week or two.
  • Slack Best Pracices according to Loberto =)
   * Martin L. would like public permission to police about threads and using right channels for right topics (reminded about #random)
   * Everyone is cool with this :-)
  • Unique Safehaven status for hosters during Quarantine? /Mariano
   * good for PR and chance to promote for media? /Chagai
   * Technically reduntant work?
   * Bringing this up via social media might be easiest we can do — connecting folks in groups? easiest small thing we can do
   * As an example Airbnb has similar iniatitive for refugees from two years ago
   * We might little bit late on this — efforts put on social media and connecting with Argentina nomads could be good?
   * there are existing projects that work in this area, let's connect with them and spread their awareness via social media

- There's a call for new volunteers Thu/Fri?

   - Should we reach out for recent new volunteers that have been a bit active but then dropped out? /Martin
   - Reach out to volunteers all the way up to big changes at CouchSurfing
  • Your talking point here :)
  • Additional topics/questions
  • Pick facilitator for next meeting
   * I'm up /Mariano

Action points and outcomes

  • Next Date: July 20th 2020, **16:00** UTC
  • Next Facilitator: Mariano
  • VA team will go through Volunteer instructions, improve on them and create a volunteer guide of sorts.
  • Two
  • Three