International politics

[[]] is an independent wiki with information for people who are actively exchanging hospitality.

You can add some text in this page by clicking the little "edit" link on top of this page. If there is no "edit" link, it means you are not logged in. To log in, click on the little "log in" link on the top right corner. You'll be taken away from this page and to a "Username / Password" screen. Use your CS username and password to log in. If it works, you'll be taken back to this page, but with the ability to edit the content.

If the text that you add doesn't look professional, it is not a problem. Someone that knows how to format a page will come after you and make it look beautiful. The most important is the content.

The "mission"

Being the little welcome message that is on top of the forum when you're not a member of the group"

This forum is meant as a discussion platform for international politics topics. Everyone is welcome to contribute to the discussions. If you don't find a thread that interests you, feel free to open one.

As this group is likely to witness strong arguments, it is more or less moderated:

  • If a thread is specified as "MODERATED", moderators are supposed to follow the thread and react quickly to breaches of the guidelines
  • If a thread is specified as "NOT MODERATED", then it is up to the contributors.
  • If a thread is specified as "SELF MODERATED", then the person that opened the thread is in charge of moderating it.
  • If a thread says nothing particular, then the guidelines apply, but it will not actively be moderated.

The most used language is "English", but the members are from all around the world. FEEL FREE TO POST OR REPLY IN ANY LANGUAGE. Translation engines are very good if everyone writes in a simple and structured way (which is best anyway).

The guidelines

Displayed on the side and that may be used to back moderators.

  • Your freedom of expression ends when it's limiting the freedom of expression of others.
  • Discuss the point, not the person that expresses it.
  • Be aware of the cultural gap. What you think is normal, some consider it offending, and what other people consider normal might offend you.
  • Whenever posting something controversial, post your sources as well. A http://www. link for example.
  • Other than than, the (pretty restrictive unfortunately) Terms of Use of the CS website apply here too. Reminder:
  • You may not post or submit any content that is defamatory
  • ...that may disparage any ethnic, racial, sexual or religious group by stereotypical depiction or otherwise
  • ...that makes use of offensive language
  • ...that characterizes violence as acceptable, glamorous or desirable

See also